#1: Noe Nytt eller? Viking Amerika Forfatter: Richard Kempf [Rick K], ArizonaSkrevet: Lør Jun 14, 2014 1:13 am ---- worldnewsdailyreport.c...eat-lakes/
There is nothing new about theories of Norse penetration into the North American landmass,.
This however is the latest. The finding of artifacts from Greenland means that this is either very credible or a very well planned hoax.
#2: Re: Noe Nytt eller? Viking Amerika Forfatter: Tobias Bondesson [Tobias], Malmö, SverigeSkrevet: Lør Jun 14, 2014 12:45 pm ---- Helt fake. Det er et fund fra Norge som visas. Håkan har mer info.
Hvis man kigger på nogle af de andre artikler som den sidan publicerer så får man en idé om hvad det er for en side og hvis man kigger på deras infoside ( worldnewsdailyreport.com/about-us/ ) kan man läsa at:
World News Daily Report is an American Jewish Zionist newspaper based in Tel Aviv and dedicated on covering biblical archeology news and other mysteries around the Globe. Our News Team is composed of award winning christian, muslim and jewish journalists, retired Mossad agents and veterans of the Israeli Armed Forces.
I rest my case...
#3: Re: Noe Nytt eller? Viking Amerika Forfatter: Richard Kempf [Rick K], ArizonaSkrevet: Lør Jun 14, 2014 2:32 pm ---- Absolutely correct. I started thinking about this unlikely story this morning and found out the original source was famous for bogus stories. How embarrassing. This is becoming quite popular over here - the publishing of completely bogus stories and their being spread rapidly on the web.
Vikings in the American Midwest hoaxes have a long history, usually involving planted or fake artifacts. The most famous is the Kensington Rune Stone.