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PI detektorer?
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bfodnes [xbfodnes]Medlem

Indmeldt: Jul 31, 2006
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IndlægSkrevet: Lør Okt 03, 2009 2:40 pm    TrÃ¥d: PI detektorer? Besvar, med citat

[html] Ja.<br /><br />Den franske detektoren fungerte ikke og ble skrotet.<br /><br />Pulse Devil til David Emery spøker det fortsatt rundt, dukker opp en post en sjelden gang. Aner ikke om det er noe fremskridt.<br /><br />Whites TDI blir brukt til nugget leting og på strender med godt hell.<br /><br />En annen ting er at pga gullrushet i Afrika som startet i år så har prisene på brukte Pulsesøkere blitt dyrere enn nye.... Ikke uvanlig at en brukt Minelab 4500 nå blir solgt for mer enn nypris. Utrolig men Minelab klarer ikke å mette etterspørselen etter dem i Afrika. Folk vil ut i nugget feltene samme dagen og har ikke tid til å vente på en ny maskin. [/html]
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Tobias [xTobias]Medlem

Indmeldt: Feb 05, 2007
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IndlægSkrevet: Lør Okt 03, 2009 4:54 pm    TrÃ¥d: PI detektorer? Besvar, med citat

[html] Dette er det seneste om Pulse Devil (från findmall)  <div><br /></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 12px; line-height: 15px">"The Pulse Devil is finished, tested and ready to go. I had a number of unfortunate circumstances which pushed my working on it to the back of my list of things to do. Right now all that is in the past. <br /><br />I will be in England and France in a few weeks time to do some detecting and to meet with my future importers. The Pulse Devil Nemesis is perfect for Europe as it has a fantastic iron rejection as well as the ability to pick up tiny non ferrous targets which are located near iron. For the sake of the American readers on the forum one digs everything that is non ferrous when detecting in Europe. The perfect detector for Europe would have great depth capability coupled with super iron rejection. The Nemesis has both. <br /><br />I have been asked many times why I am concentrating on Europe and not the USA. The answer is that I will be selling on both continents. The reason for Europe being important is that the Nemesis is exactly what is required for the conditions there. <br /><br />With this said, relic hunters in the USA should find the Nemesis to be a very powerful relic hunting detector. My guess is that American coin hunters will however be pushing me to add a TID, notch discrimination and all sorts of other features to the design. These features will be added a little later on and in good time. Most of these features have already been built and tested. They are not however required for the Nemesis. <br /><br />I should be back from Europe by about the last week in October. I will post some pictures from the trip as well as a write up at that time. I am also planning to have a website up and running very soon. <br /><br />As to someone Else&#39;s question: No, the patent application is not the technology for the Pulse Devil Nemesis. It is for a different detector. This new method is very exciting. It is designed to replace today&#39;s VLF detectors. As such it is extremely powerful. The Nemesis is a true PIB or Pulse Induction Balance. The only difference between it and a regular PI is that it has a discrimination circuit. The control of which can be set anywhere from small nails through to Pull-tabs."</span></div> [/html]
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Chris [xChris]Medlem

Indmeldt: Mai 03, 2006
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IndlægSkrevet: Lør Okt 03, 2009 6:28 pm    TrÃ¥d: PI detektorer? Besvar, med citat

[html] <span class="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: 15px; font-size: 12px">The perfect detector for Europe would have great depth capability coupled with super iron rejection. The Minelab Sovereign GT has both.</span>[/html]<br /><br /><br />:-) [/html]
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