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Mål mineraliseringen med Terra 70Alt om detektorer og søgehoveder.
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Indmeldt: Jul 31, 2006 Indlæg: 0 Gå til Profil Send en PM
Skrevet: Man Aug 20, 2007 7:47 pm Tråd: Mål mineraliseringen med Terra 70 |
[html] Meget godt tips og det funker som bare det. Så vet du lettere når du skal bruke mindre plate eller DD eller kan bruke større om du vil. Dine målinger kan benyttes til hjelp for andre søkere også.<br /><br /><br /><div class="PhorumReadBodyText">One of the ongoing common mis-conceptions is that the Ground Phase Number(Ground Balance)represents how much mineralization a particular soil matrix contains. The mineralization of course referring to minerals that cause poorer performance of a metal detector, and not a particular quantity of an inert material. <br /><br />The Minelab X-Terra X-70 has a hidden feature which allows you to make a reasonably accurate assessment of your ground conditions including the iron(Fe3O4, black sand) and/or the conductivity(salinity) of your soil. To clarify, you can quickly measure in relative terms how magnetic or conductive your ground is. You can then jot those numbers down and compare them to any other X70 users in the world. <br /><br />As a matter of fact a database or registry could be set up to compare your conditions to that of others. Therefore when an X70 user states that they have "high mineralization" which is hampering operation, it can easily be verified whether such is the case. <br /><br />The procedure is really just an extension of Auto-GBing the X70. So don't become overly concerned that it is terribly complicated, it isn't. <br /><br />Procedure in Normal GB mode with GB Tracking "OFF" and Sens=20: <br /><br />A. Auto-noise cancel in the area you will hunting with the coil held 3 feet above the ground and parallel to it. <br /><br />B. Locate a target free area of soil. <br /><br />C. Engage Normal GB & remain in the GB screen. <br /><br />D. Place coil on the soil. Do not press the coil against the ground! This will distort the coil shape and give an inaccurate result. Simply allow the weight of the machine to lightly keep it against the ground. <br /><br />E. Press the Auto GB button and raise coil about two feet above the ground before Auto GB has completed. If by the time you reach the apex of pulling the coil up to two feet it doesn't complete, then pump up and down from just above the ground to two feet high as accurately as possible. Recall that Auto GB signals with a tone when completed. <br /><br />F. While still in GB mode press and hold Patterns button to get the numbers. The numbers are six digits in length but read out in three groups of two that will repeat if the Patterns button is held down. Therefore 99 99 99(almost a million) is the largest number possible and 0(00 00 00) is the smallest. Forty-six thousand would appear as the following sequence, 04--60--00. Make a note of the numbers which we will call the "IRON NUMBER"(Magnetite...Black-Sand). <br /><br />G. As a reference, numbers in the thousands are mild ground, medium grounds tens of thousands , and hot hundreds of thousands. For clarity: <br /><br />1. 0(zero) >> 10K mild ground. <br />2. 10K >> 100K medium ground. <br />3. 100K >> 1M hot to scorching. <br /><br />Procedure in Beach GB mode with GB Tracking "OFF": <br /><br />The same as above in normal GB except that your are measuring conductivity. Great for Ocean beaches, salt flats, & dried up lake beds etc. I would also take three samples in the exact same spot and average them to get an average number, using either of the above procedures. <br /><br />If their is enough interest, then a registry could be started to compare the various ground reports with how stable the detector runs, and effect on depth, correct ID etc. The nine inch default concentric MF should be the only coil used to take the measurements to create a standard. Keep in mind that the X70 may be able to show you why other detectors you own behave in a certain manner based on soil mineralization. It may also provide pertinent information about what equipment you should consider for future purchases. <br /><br /><br /><br />HH <br />BarnacleBill</div> [/html]
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