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 DetektorBlandet (Til sortering) › Andre fibler 
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Vad är detta? Till ID.
A crumpled-up disc-brooch, about 75% complete, original diameter 71 mm, copper-alloy pin extant and folded into the brooch, pin-catch extant on back, apparently soldered on.

On the surface of the brooch are a central large boss with mock-filigree, surrounded by five identical ones, and outside those five are another five smaller bosses. All in all eleven bosses. The surface of the brooch is divided into petal-like fields by lines of tiny bumps. All decoration is visible on the back side too: most of the piece is just 0.6 mm thick.

Judging from the rest of the finds on-site, it's likely to date from after AD 400. But it doesn't look much like anything Scandinavian from the period 400-1100. (During this period, Scandy brooch pins are almost exclusively iron.) It does look a bit like a cheap version of a Kentish 6th century cloisonné brooch.

Anybody able to help?

Funnet april 2008 vid forskningsundersökningar i Kaga socken, Æ“stergötland, Sverige.
Billede information
Tilføjet af:mrund
Fundet med:Andet
Album navn:Andre fibler
Foreslå et andet album. Klik her.
Vist:202 gange
 Chris [16. April 2008 kl. 22:04]
  In my humble opinion I must say that this rather crumpled piece bares little, if any, similarity to contemporary Anglo Saxon art, although there is a certain likeness concerning shape and material. This site shows a few (later) examples of Anglo Saxon brooches, where the use of a pronounced flange is commonplace: ads.ahds.ac.uk/catalog...08_018.pdf My favourite piece of Cloisonné work is of course the renowned Alfred Jewel at the Ashmolian Museum: www.mirror.org/ken.rob...jewel.html

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