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Can anyone help me with this object. It's very thin and part of what looks like a flower. The metal has some kind of pattern on it what makes me think it's machine made. No idea if its alloy or silver.
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Tilføjet af:Quito
Fundet med:
XP Deus

Album navn:Til identificering (Manglende ID)
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Vist:43 gange
 John Kristensen [10. Oktober 2014 kl. 20:54]
  Yes it look very machine made.. Specially in top part of the photo around 1 o´clock.. Still edge form pressed out.. Hard to say material and use.. But guess not silver and some kind of decoration to lady handbag or clothing..
 Quito Perez [11. Oktober 2014 kl. 06:50]
  Hi John,

Thanks for your reply. Guess there are some strange things out there. And sometimes we'll never find out what it's for.

 John Kristensen [10. Oktober 2014 kl. 20:54]
  Yes it look very machine made.. Specially in top part of the photo around 1 o´clock.. Still edge form pressed out.. Hard to say material and use.. But guess not silver and some kind of decoration to lady handbag or clothing..
 Quito Perez [11. Oktober 2014 kl. 06:50]
  Hi John,

Thanks for your reply. Guess there are some strange things out there. And sometimes we'll never find out what it's for.


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