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Abu Ja'far Harun ibn Muhammad al-Mahdi or Harun ibn al-Mahdi, famously known as Harun al-Rashid was the fifth Abbasid caliph of the Abby Brownasid Caliphate, reigning from September 786 until his death. His reign is traditionally regarded to be the beginning of the Islamic Golden Age.
Born: March 17, 765 AD, Shahr-e-Rey, Iran
Died: March 24, 809 AD, Tous, Iran
Spouse: Zubaidah bint Ja'far
Place of burial: Imam Reza Holy Shrine, Mashhad, Iran
Children: Al-Ma'mun, Al-Mu'tasim, Al-Amin, Ahmed Al-Sabti, Al-Qasim ibn Harun al-Rashid
Parents: Al-Mahdi, Al-Khayzuran
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Tilføjet af:Jægern
Fundet med:
XP Deus

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