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Coin or Medal?
My first find of age in Denmark? With the permission of the land owner i was able to detect part of a Field and Wooded area. About two steps into the Woods , this Piece came under my Coil. I dont know if its a Coin or Medal or if it is as old as i believe. So any help finding out is greatly appreciated. Only cleaned with warm water and a very soft Brush . No rubbing , so i dont destroy any Patina .

Best regards

Billede information
Tilføjet af:Murph73
Mål:28mm , 15 gramms
Fundet med:
Tesoro Vaquero

Album navn:Mønter uden ID
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Vist:177 gange
 sean murphy [13. Marts 2015 kl. 12:42]
  Tryed calling to my museum whos in charge of me but no answer guess there already in the weekend.

Best Regards

 sean murphy [13. Marts 2015 kl. 12:44]
  Almost forgot both sides are the same and the coin is uneven in thickness. From 1mm to 2mm.
 Tobias Bondesson [13. Marts 2015 kl. 14:32]
  I'm quite sure it is a modern fantasy piece used in reenactments/role playing. But to be on the safe side, you should show it to your museum the next time you pay them a visit :thumbsup2:
 Tobias Bondesson [13. Marts 2015 kl. 14:59]
  Found this link, where it is a one sided pendant made of tin: www.danskmoent.dk/fals...antasi.htm

Even though it still is a fantasy piece, the fact that Lerche, who was a famous Danish coin collector, had it in his collection makes it quite interesting. You could try to send an email to Dank Mönt and see if they have any additional information: gambit @ post2.tele.dk and m.skjoldager @ adslhome.dk
 sean murphy [13. Marts 2015 kl. 16:00]
  Thx Tobias for the Quick responce. Whats wierd , is the weight and the Material of this piece . It has the seize of a German 2 Mark piece from 1901 . But is 3 gramms heavier. With 15 grams by 28mm . Im assuming its silver.

Best Regards

 Tobias Bondesson [13. Marts 2015 kl. 16:33]
  Have you tried measuring the specific weight, i.e. grams/cm3?
 sean murphy [13. Marts 2015 kl. 17:54]
  Not yet , i dont have a proper glas with scale.

Best Regards

 Cebola Kalema [16. Marts 2015 kl. 21:04]
  Hey Sean. I am no kind of expert so Tobias might be the one who knows what he's talking about (this being a roleplaying item and all), but please call the museum about this piece and let them just have a look. To my amateur eyes it looks like an inscription in iron age futhark, and that would be a bit of a find.
 sean murphy [13. Marts 2015 kl. 12:42]
  Tryed calling to my museum whos in charge of me but no answer guess there already in the weekend.

Best Regards

 sean murphy [13. Marts 2015 kl. 12:44]
  Almost forgot both sides are the same and the coin is uneven in thickness. From 1mm to 2mm.
 Tobias Bondesson [13. Marts 2015 kl. 14:32]
  I'm quite sure it is a modern fantasy piece used in reenactments/role playing. But to be on the safe side, you should show it to your museum the next time you pay them a visit :thumbsup2:
 Tobias Bondesson [13. Marts 2015 kl. 14:59]
  Found this link, where it is a one sided pendant made of tin: www.danskmoent.dk/fals...antasi.htm

Even though it still is a fantasy piece, the fact that Lerche, who was a famous Danish coin collector, had it in his collection makes it quite interesting. You could try to send an email to Dank Mönt and see if they have any additional information: gambit @ post2.tele.dk and m.skjoldager @ adslhome.dk
 sean murphy [13. Marts 2015 kl. 16:00]
  Thx Tobias for the Quick responce. Whats wierd , is the weight and the Material of this piece . It has the seize of a German 2 Mark piece from 1901 . But is 3 gramms heavier. With 15 grams by 28mm . Im assuming its silver.

Best Regards

 Tobias Bondesson [13. Marts 2015 kl. 16:33]
  Have you tried measuring the specific weight, i.e. grams/cm3?
 sean murphy [13. Marts 2015 kl. 17:54]
  Not yet , i dont have a proper glas with scale.

Best Regards

 Cebola Kalema [16. Marts 2015 kl. 21:04]
  Hey Sean. I am no kind of expert so Tobias might be the one who knows what he's talking about (this being a roleplaying item and all), but please call the museum about this piece and let them just have a look. To my amateur eyes it looks like an inscription in iron age futhark, and that would be a bit of a find.

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