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 DetektorMønterMønter Udenlandske › Engelske, Irske og Skotske 
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longcross penny 1310-14 edvard II
Billede information
Tilføjet af:jørn
Fundet med:Andet
Album navn:Engelske, Irske og Skotske
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Vist:100 gange
 jørn [06. November 2006 kl. 01:37]
  Minted from 1272-1307 during the reign of the tyrannical Edward "the Longshanks" (yes, the king from Braveheart)this coin is most known for it's design, being the first coin to introduce any real sort of counterfeit mesaures.

Edward had the coin's cross extended all the way to the edges of the coin to make it harder for people to shave silver off the coins. This penny quickly recieved the nickname "Longcross Penny"

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