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Kinesiske mønter ??
Found this chinese coin in Roskilde. Very difficult to find out how old it is and how it got in Denmark. Maybe it´s a reproduction... It´s also incredible thin.
Billede information
Tilføjet af:Quito
Fundet med:
Garrett AT Pro

Album navn:Udenfor kategori
Foreslå et andet album. Klik her.
Nøgleord:Kinesiske mønter
Vist:174 gange
 Quito Perez [25. Juli 2014 kl. 18:46]
  Let´s hope it will bring me luck, now that I found it :smilewide:

Kinesisk lykkemønt kaldes også I CHING mønt.
Kinesiske mønter, med det firkantede hul i midten, har længe været benyttet i Feng Shui, hvor de symboliserer lykke, held og velstand.
Anbring mønter i en rød konvolut og læg denne i hjemmets penge- eller velstandshjørne for at tiltrække velstand.
 John Kristensen [25. Juli 2014 kl. 19:16]
  Nu er det 3 gang du uploader noget.. Denne gang gider jeg ikke svare, da du aldrig gider tilkendegive at du rent faktisk læser og overvejer de ID og foreslag man skriver til dig. Google it..

Now it's third time you upload something .. This time I do not bother responding, because you never bother to repli, and show that you actually read and consider the ID and suggestion written to you. Google it ..
 Quito Perez [25. Juli 2014 kl. 19:32]
  Well it took some time to find out how to reply. Little did I know it can be done by clicking on the photo.
I try to google all my unknown finds. As I am a starter in metal detecting you can at least take that in consideration.
As I'm Spanish (born and raised in holland) it takes some time to adjust and understand the Danish language and writing. But I'm trying...
Anyway thanks for responding on my posts.
 John Kristensen [25. Juli 2014 kl. 19:40]
  I do understand.. Was thinking you could read all the english link supplied and write something in English.. And Or use Google translate.. do not expect all here will reply you in English.. specially if you never come back and says Thank you... Just my Opinion.. Im Happy to help, but not for deaf ear..
 Quito Perez [25. Juli 2014 kl. 20:06]
  I like it better if the comment is in Danish. That's how I learn.
Thanks again and I'll keep your reply in mind

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